
Is Great Demands Cost-Effective? Absolutely!

For a high volume practice, outsourcing the preparation of your injury settlement packages can be extremely cost-effective. Let's assume that the average cost of a settlement package prepared by us is $400. Let's also assume that your office prepares 50 to 100 demand packages for motor vehicle injury claims each year. Our services would cost you $20,000-$40,000 over the course of a year. That is less than the salary alone for one good full-time paralegal. The savings are even greater when you consider the cost of health insurance, vacation and sick pay, and other benefits. Use of our service also frees up valuable paralegal and attorney time for other tasks.

For a low volume practice (e.g. a solo attorney with limited or no support staff, or an attorney who only occasionally handles an injury claim) outsourcing the preparation of your injury settlement packages can also be extremely cost-effective. Let's assume that the average cost of a settlement package prepared by us is $400. If your average billing rate is $200 per hour, you would have to spend no more than two hours on the preparation of a settlement package to be more cost-effective than our service.

For more information go to www.GreatDemands.com


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Great Demands prepares demand letters for personal injury lawyers and their clients. Our demand letters are written to address the requirements of Colossus and other claims evaluation software. They are in a format that makes it easy for the adjuster to input the necessary information, therefore ensuring that all critical value drivers are entered to increase your client's claim. The demand letter is written and all supporting documents, such as police report, property damage report, medical bills, and medical records, are organized into an attractive demand package. The original demand package is then sent to the attorney for submission to the adjuster.